“And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.”

Luke 14:23


B.L.V.D Chapel values the mission field. We enjoy being hands on, and supporting people who can reach people around the world.

Operation Christmas Child

Over the past five years, B.L.V.D has filled over 1,000 OCC boxes for kids all over the world. These boxes are filled with toys and gifts for kids of all ages. OCC ships these boxes, and walks each kid through a discipleship program.

Donate for 2024?

Local Food Drives

We have went door to door throughout the community to collect all kinds of can goods for those in need. There is always someone who is hungry, and we want to bless them by providing for their needs.

Food Drive Dates

Elder Orphan Care

Elder Orphan Care is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide community for the elderly. There are many people out there who don’t have someone to spend holidays with, and Elder Orphan Care helps fight against that.

Next Serve Date

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Luke 14:23

Luke 14:23

Come join us! Sundays @10:30

find your community!


2700 Pennsylvania Ave Kannapolis, NC 28083





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